What’s Your Dental IQ?

child brushes his teethCan you answer these dental-related True-or-False questions correctly?

Holding an aspirin up to an aching tooth is a good temporary solution???

FALSE! In fact, doing this can cause damage to the soft tissue in your mouth. The ONLY solution for a toothache is seeing a dentist as quickly as possible. In the interim, swallowing pain relievers such as Aspirin, Tylenol or Ibuprofen may give some relief.

Good dental health can be inherited???

TRUE! However, even the best genes can’t do it alone… good oral hygiene habits and regular visits to the dentist are extremely important for maintaining an attractive and healthy smile.

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a good homemade solution for whitening teeth???

FALSE! Baking soda that you buy in the grocery store is abrasive and can do significant damage to your teeth. Instead, use products commonly found in a supermarket or drugstore that are made especially for tooth whitening as they contain much smaller bicarbonate particles that are less harsh on teeth. Alternatively, ask your dentist about tooth whitening kits you can use at home over time, or explore in-office instant whitening procedures. They have been very popular with our patients and are completely non-abrasive.

Invisalign is way more expensive than regular braces???

FALSE! Many patients who come into our office for orthodontic consultations are pleasantly surprised to discover that our fees for Invisalign are very reasonable. With no wires and affordable payment plans, it’s never too late to get that smile you’ve always dreamed of!

Using a straw for sipping soft drinks and juice is better than drinking right from the glass???

TRUE! Using a straw reduces the amount of sugary liquid that comes into direct contact with teeth.

Sport drinks can be consumed on a regular basis without any consequences to your dental health???

FALSE! Not only do more sports drinks contain just as much if not more sugar than soda pop, but most of them are highly acidic as well, which can lead to degradation of tooth enamel. The healthiest choice from a dental perspective is a nice cool glass of water.

It’s better to treat a decaying tooth whenever possible, rather than pulling it.???

TRUE! Our own natural teeth are precious and there are often ways to stop decay and repair damaged teeth. Only your dentist can tell you if restoration of a tooth may be a possibility.

It doesn’t matter how well we take care of our baby’s teeth as they are all going to fall out anyway???

FALSE! There are several reasons why primary teeth must be well cared for. Decayed teeth can cause infection which can affect a child’s overall health and wellbeing. Secondly, teeth that are are lost or fall out prematurely can cause problems with development of permanent teeth and negatively impact a child’s bite. Lastly, it is important to establish good oral hygiene habits in your child early in life.

I don’t have to investigate orthodontics for my child until he is approaching his or her teenage years???

FALSE! Early orthodontic treatment, also known as “Functional Orthodontics” can start on kids as young as four years of age. Typically using appliances and retainer-like devices, Functional Orthodontics can eliminate the need for tooth extraction, make huge differences in a child’s overall appearance, and save money in the long run by reducing the amount of time required to wear braces, or even preventing the need for braces altogether down the road. Our parents have been thrilled with the results we have accomplished in their still young children using this approach.

Steven Deskin is a Brantford Dentist in general practice.

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