Ten Things To Hand Out This Halloween Instead Of Candy

Portrait of three Halloween girls looking at camera with frightening gesture

According to Statistics Canada, there has been a dramatic increase in unhealthy weights among children. In 1978, 15% of children in Canada were overweight or obese; by 2007, this number had risen to 29 per cent.

And that’s not all… Childhood tooth decay is also on the rise. According to a Toronto Public Health survey, the prevalence of early tooth decay in five-year olds increased from 9.9 to 14.6 per cent from 1999 to 2006.

These statistics are scary. Let’s do something to change these numbers and leave the scares for Halloween night instead! Here are some suggestions to consider that can help make your trick or treaters not only happy, but healthy as well!

1. Temporary Tattoos

You can find these at your local dollar store or toy shop. Just look for an assortment that will appeal to young and older girls and boys.

2. Light-Up Glow Sticks

These fun items can also help ensure the safety of your trick-or-treaters by making them more visible to traffic on Halloween night when they wear them around their wrists and neck.

3. Toothbrushes

Okay, you might get some eyerolls from this one, but parents will be appreciative and hopefully in hindsight the kids will be too a few years down the road.

Unknown4. Mini Play-Doh®

A great give-away option that can be used over and over again!

5. Mini Water Bottles

While this may not be the most glamourous of treats, it is a functional one that will be a welcome relief to some of those hard-core trick-or-treaters who need to stay hydrated as they hustle from house to house!

6. Whistles or Other Annoying Noisemakers

They may not make parents happy but kids love them!

7. Yo-Yos

From beginners to masters, they offer fun for all ages, guaranteed!

12dc9859709154a2e2a00a468c366cc3_galleryimage_gallery8. Bubbles & Wands

Great fun not only in the summer, but on really cold winter days as well. If you don’t know what happens to bubbles in sub-zero temperatures, Google it; it’s really cool!

9. Mini Colouring Books & Crayons

Younger kids will get hours of enjoyment from these useful items.

10. Sugar-Free Gum

I’d recommend gum containing Xyletol as recent studies have cited Xylitol as being instrumental in reducing the risk of cavities due to its ability to counteract the production of acids in the mouth.

Steven Deskin is a Brantford Dentist in general practice.

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