Ask Dr. D

A Dental Visit Could Actually Save Your Life!

If you are putting off that overdue visit to the dentist, take a moment and think it through carefully, as this decision could impact your very life. Take for example, the story of this four-year-old girl from Washington. During a routine dental exam, her dentist discovered a tumour in her jaw which turned out to […]

Root Canal Treatment Does NOT Cause Cancer!

There are certainly more than enough things for all of us to worry about these days. On a positive note, I can state with the highest levels of confidence that one thing that you unequivocally do NOT have to worry about is getting cancer as the result of a root canal treatment! A few patients […]

Dental Issues Can Be Life Threatening

A couple of months ago, I learned of a 24-year-old man from Cincinnati who had died from a toothache. While of course any death is a tragedy, for me it’s especially difficult to hear of situations like this because they are so preventable. Apparently, the man had been told that an infected tooth needed to […]

Dr. Steven Deskin, Brantford DentistMy Personal Philosophy Regarding Dental Treatment

I believe that my success as a dentist begins and ends with a patient’s smile. That may result in a patient opting for a temporary solution to a problem until they are better able to afford the most desired solution, or it may mean that the patient will choose what they believe to be the best fit […]

The Benefits Of Digital Dental X-Rays

Digital technology has revolutionized the way in which we do many things, and the delivery of quality dental healthcare is no exception. As a seasoned dentist (how’s that for a subtle way of showing my age?!) I have witnessed first-hand the many ways in which computers have transformed the way in which dentistry is practised. […]

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